How to Think Like a Backer and Grow Your Campaign's Email List
It's been said before: a strong email list is the foundation successful crowdfunding campaigns are built on. Getting gamers to sign up for your list can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be difficult. With a few simple tactics and by adopting a backer's mindset, you can increase your email list signups and set your campaign up for success.
Make it Easy
One of the most important things you can do to increase your email list signups is to make it easy for potential backers to get on the list. Your landing page should lead straight to your signup form. A good landing page will entice backers but not take up too much space with blocks of text or large images. Remember, some other piece of content - an ad or social media post - has already done its job to send the person to this page. Giving the email signup form a prominent position makes it easy to find on the landing page and provides a smooth user experience.
Keep the signup process as simple and straightforward as possible. I recommend letting people sign up with just their email address. There'll be opportunities later to collect more valuable information but focus now on clearing the first hurdle. Signup forms that integrate with social media accounts can also make it easy for the potential backer.
Offer an Incentive
"What's in it for me?" That's the question on your backers' minds. While many are savvy and want to pledge early knowing that will help your game, you can't count on sheer benevolence to be compelling enough to make someone join your list. Offering an incentive is a great way to increase signups by providing value to the gamer.
Here's a great example from Open Sesame Games for the recently announced Cyclades Legendary Edition where they provide digital wallpapers and badges in addition to project updates.
If it makes sense for a game as well known as Cyclades, it makes sense for your game too.
This example shows that an incentive doesn't need to be financial, like a discount code or access to early bird pricing (a topic for another day). An effective incentive can be anything your audience finds valuable and worthwhile, from behind-the-scenes details to ebooks and other digital downloads. If nothing else, it's a thank-you to the backer for providing their details.
Promote Your List
You've made it easy for backers and you've sweetened the deal. Now you need to promote it. A lead generation advertising strategy is essential (and will be the topic of a future post), but you should also consider all the other touch points you have with backers. These are all places to promote your list - social media posts, call-to-action buttons on those channels, and printed materials like booth signage or a flyer inside existing games. Wherever you're promoting your list, make sure that the benefits/incentives of signing up are clear to the gamer.
When you're just starting out, getting people to sign up for your email list can seem like a difficult task. But by thinking like a backer with the right tactics, you can increase your email list signups and ensure a strong start to your crowdfunding campaign. Make your signup forms easy to find, offer incentives to sign up, and promote your list wherever you can.
Travis Smith | Board Game Marketer | Gundalow Games
I’m a marketing communicator with a drive to help other passionate people succeed. With 20 years of marketing, public relations, and sales experience to share with you, I’m an ideal partner for your game project. So why not get in touch today?